Machinery Displays for Trade Shows

Machinery Displays for Trade Shows

Level up at Industrial Trade Shows with your Machinery Machinery displays can help take your booth to the next level when exhibiting at an industrial trade show. With a multitude of components, it can be challenging when deciding where they will be stationed in your...

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Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

The DC office will be closed the following days: Thursday, July 4th Friday, July 5th Our regular business hours will resume Monday, July 8thRELATED ARTICLESLET'S START YOUR EXPERIENCEGET STARTED

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Exhibit Flooring

Exhibit Flooring

Exhibit Flooring, an important part of your booth Exhibit flooring can add another dimension to your booth space. There are different options, colors, and configurations you can use to tell your brand's story from the ground up. At Dimension Craft, we have been able...

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Branded Events

Branded Events

Branded Events: Inside Sports Arenas to Hotels Marketing at an event can help your brand reach a new audience that you might not have been able to do with your website or other forms of marketing. How you brand yourself can help determine if this new audience will...

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Trade Show Capabilities: Fabric Graphics

Trade Show Capabilities: Fabric Graphics

One Stop Trade Show Shop The DC team recently renovated our graphics department to make a dedicated space for our sewing capabilities. With this renovation, we have the ability to stage and prep fabric without having to set up a staging area in our warehouse. Having...

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May 2024 Exhibit Recap

May 2024 Exhibit Recap

School's Out and the Shop's Open School's out for summer, the beaches are open, and the DC Team has finished a busy May! Our team traveled to New York, New Orleans, Orlando and more this month, creating displays our clients gave 5 Star Reviews. We created displays for...

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Add a Hanging Sign to Your Exhibit

Add a Hanging Sign to Your Exhibit

It's not a bird or a plane, it's a Hanging Sign! Hanging signs can elevate your brand at a trade show. Whether your company has reserved a 20x20 or 100x120 exhibit space, a hanging sign can be a great way to add more dimension to your booth. Hanging signs can come in...

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Dimension Craft Partners with 4 Exhibitors at Automate 2024

Dimension Craft Partners with 4 Exhibitors at Automate 2024

At Automate 2024, we were happy to partner with 4 exhibitors to bring their design to life on the show floor. Our design team was able to bring unique exhibit elements to help our clients stand out at the expo. Unique Exhibit Elements: Arch with a Connected Canopy...

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“Thanks again for all of the hand holding and thanks for executing exactly as you said you would – we deeply appreciate it.”
  • Leah B. - COO, Union Square Group