Trade Show Capabilities: Fabric Graphics

Jun 12, 2024

One Stop Trade Show Shop

The DC team recently renovated our graphics department to make a dedicated space for our sewing capabilities. With this renovation, we have the ability to stage and prep fabric without having to set up a staging area in our warehouse. Having an in-house seamstress, we are able to produce fabric installations in our office where the exhibit is built and prep for the next show.

We offer fabric capabilities for:

  • Hanging Signs
  • Lightboxes
  • Fabric Walls
  • Canopies
  • Custom rental pieces

During our renovations (Above) Completed Sewing Room (Below)

Recently renovated sewing room for fabric graphics. Recently renovated sewing room for fabric graphics.

“As we continue to grow as a business, renovating our graphic space was the next step to producing quality fabric graphics for our clients.”

  • Abraham Zavala, Productions Manager – Dimension Craft

Check out our recent exhibits we utilized with our in-house capabilities!

Hanging Signs for RenewAire

R+W Coupling Fabric Canopy

Universal Orthodontics at AAO

Lightboxes for Universal Orthodontics

Need a seamless exhibit? 

Contact our team today to discuss your exhibit needs. Whether it’s fabric graphics or a custom hanging sign, we have the capabilities to help with your next project! Fill out our contact form and a member of our team will reach out.